Gta 5 casino heist bugstars guide

Nummer Naam Locatie Beloning
1 The Jewel Store Paleto Bay $100.000
2 The Liquor Store Sandy Shores $150.000
3 The Convenience Store Grapeseed $200.000
4 The Bank of Blaine County Blaine County $500.000
5 The Vangelico Jewel Store Los Santos $1.000.000
Nummer Naam Locatie Beloning
1 The Diamond Casino Heist The Diamond Casino & Resort $2.000.000
2 The Pacific Standard Bank Heist Pacific Standard Bank $1.500.000
3 The Humane Labs Raid Humane Labs and Research $1.000.000
4 The Series A Funding Raid Bilgeco Warehouse $500.000
5 The Prison Break Bolingbroke Penitentiary $400.000
Nummer Naam Locatie Beloning
1 The Setup: Guns Merryweather HQ $100.000
2 The Setup: EMP Mors Mutual Insurance $150.000
3 The Setup: Documents Lifeinvader Office $200.000
4 The Setup: Keycards Paleto Bay Police Department $250.000
5 The Setup: Van Ron Alternates Wind Farm $300.000
Nummer Naam Locatie Beloning
1 The Aggressive Approach The Diamond Casino & Resort $2.500.000
2 The Big Con Approach The Diamond Casino & Resort $2.500.000
3 The Silent & Sneaky Approach The Diamond Casino & Resort $2.500.000
Nummer Naam Locatie Beloning
1 The Humane Labs Raid: EMP Humane Labs and Research $500.000
2 The Humane Labs Raid: Keycards Humane Labs and Research $500.000
3 The Humane Labs Raid: Valkyrie Humane Labs and Research $500.000
4 The Humane Labs Raid: Insurgents Humane Labs and Research $500.000
5 The Humane Labs Raid: Kuruma Humane Labs and Research $500.000
Nummer Naam Locatie Beloning
1 The Pacific Standard Bank Heist: The Fleeca Heist Pacific Standard Bank $500.000
2 The Pacific Standard Bank Heist: The Prison Break Pacific Standard Bank $500.000
3 The Pacific Standard Bank Heist: The Humane Labs Raid Pacific Standard Bank $500.000
4 The Pacific Standard Bank Heist: The Pacific Standard Bank Heist Pacific Standard Bank $500.000
5 The Pacific Standard Bank Heist: The Escape Pacific Standard Bank $500.000
Nummer Naam Locatie Beloning
1 The Series A Funding Raid: The Fleeca Heist Bilgeco Warehouse $250.000
2 The Series A Funding Raid: The Pacific Standard Bank Heist Bilgeco Warehouse $250.000
3 The Series A Funding Raid: The Prison Break Bilgeco Warehouse $250.000
4 The Series A Funding Raid: The Humane Labs Raid Bilgeco Warehouse $250.000
5 The Series A Funding Raid: The Series A Funding Raid Bilgeco Warehouse $250.000
Nummer Naam Locatie Beloning
1 The Prison Break: The Fleeca Heist Bolingbroke Penitentiary $200.000
2 The Prison Break: The Pacific Standard Bank Heist Bolingbroke Penitentiary $200.000
3 The Prison Break: The Humane Labs Raid Bolingbroke Penitentiary $200.000
4 The Prison Break: The Series A Funding Raid Bolingbroke Penitentiary $200.000
5 The Prison Break: The Prison Break Bolingbroke Penitentiary $200.000
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